Since the beginning of their evolution, humans have been eager to create.
Look at children: from an early age they begin to build sand castles, draw, colour, invent stories, songs, dances, disguises, and use all sorts of objects like musical instruments, and so on.
Art reveals to us that all human beings feel the need to become creative and that it is not limited to reproduction, to reproduce for preservation of the species, an instinct that animals already have: it manifests itself as a need to go always further, to always go a step further, to replace an old form with a new one, more subtle, more harmonious, more perfect. The creative power of human beings resides higher than their ordinary level of consciousness; it is found in a part of their soul that manifests itself as a faculty to explore, to contemplate realities which surpass them and to capture the elements from there.
Creating means to exceed ourselves, to surpass ourselves.
Synopsis 2, part III, 4 « Art and Life »